Tuesday, 18 January 2011

17 and 18

I dont know how or why I forgot to post an update yesterday. But in fairness there wasn't really a huge amount to say.

The main thing really is that since I started taking PAGG, food has been going through me more quickly. In a good way I mean. So I actually kind of feel like my insides are regularly getting cleaned out. This has kind of taken away the main downside I suffered during the first couple of weeks - bloating, feeling congested, etc.

I have seen huge benefits in cooking in bulk on Sundays - knowing that I always have something in the fridge which I can go to and eat guilt free really does help me keep on track.

Still tracking calories - had about 2100 yesterday and 2000 today so I am staying in the same sort of range. I am getting in about 180g of protein a day which is a bit more than what I need or am aiming for - which is 1g per lb of body weight - but I don't see a problem in this as I am getting in enough water and good fats to help me digest it comfortably. I need the protein anyway to start getting myself ripped....

Only thing is probably a bit too much whey and not enough real food sources of protein.

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