Friday 7 January 2011

Days 6 & 7

I somehow completely forgot to update yesterday!! Whoops. Must give myself a slap on the wrist for this sort of slip or it will keep happening.

I think day 6 yesterday was ok, stuck to the plan as I was meant to and felt fine. I think I am still going a bit OTT with the whey protein, although I think it is important for keeping up protein intake. Also peanut butter - I keep craving it. I know it is meant to be ok in tiny quantities, but NOT 3 fairly generous teaspoons and certainly NOT everyday.

Must learn to get past this. Although I do wonder whether seeing as muscle gain is one of my goals, whether it would make sense for me to keep up the whey and peanut butter - they are meant to be good for these goals, although I haven't read the Geek to Freak chapter of Tim Ferriss's book yet.

Today was a bit of a shocker day slow carb wise. Really didn't eat much - was busy running around all day. I got some chicken into me as soon as I got up pretty much and then had another intense personal training session at 7AM - my arms are still really feeling it now. Followed it up with a whey protein shake right after that. Then I didn't eat or drink anything until something like 2.30PM, which is way too long. And all I had was 4 chicken skewers from a local sushi place.

Dinner was at 7PM - chicken, broccoli and mushroom stew - slow carb friendly of course. Then followed up with a couple of teaspoons of peanut butter...again. Must get off the stuff, must stop keeping it in the kitchen too!

Tomorrow I will weight and measure myself properly in the morning, as soon as I get up. Then eat slow carb friendly breakfast right after that. I then have a training session at 8.30AM, and when I get back, binge day begins. I have got my Cissus Quadrangularis now, but still waiting for the A from my PAGG so I am going to hold off on supplementation for the time being until I can do it all right from the start.

I am looking forward to cheat day - I got myself some chocolate pecan caramel popcorn to snack on - bought it on Monday and was counting down all week to dig in....Yummy!!!

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