Monday, 3 January 2011

Day 3 in review

Had a pretty good day I think.

Breakfast at 7. Some refried beans (having WAY too much of the stuff at the minute, and I do plan on changing it up soon -its just too quick and easy to turn down until my next food shop), cottage cheese and some vegetables, but I can't for the life of me remember what they were - they were definitely 4HB compatible though.

Then I had a brutal personal training session 8-9, mixing up cable work, rowing and cycling with some boxercise. Arms were burning at the end! Followed it up immediately with a protein shake. I am holding off on having carbs post-workout until I really get stuck into some heavy strength and weights work.

Lunch was some pinto beans I had made last week with some cottage cheese and a green salad and lunch 2 was Indian style okra with refried beans and cottage cheese. Had a teaspoon of peanut butter (4HB compatible) some time after to sort of round off the meal.

In the afternoon I did trial a slow carb brownie recipe - leaving it in the fridge for now to cool and become fudge-y before giving it a try. I'll post up the recipe when I've tried it. Doesn't look quite as appetising as I had hoped though.

Dinner was a light meal of lentils, cauliflower and a small protein shake. Really didnt have much of an appetite though, so sort of forced it down.

Observations so far

  • I think I do still feel a bit bloated from my binge on Saturday
  • I don't know my results so far because I haven't checked but I think the bloated-ness from Saturday makes me feel like I haven't made any progress yet. I am only going to weight and measure myself once a week on Saturdays or I will let it make me paranoid
  • Pardon this one but I haven't really been "regular" digestively, even though I think with the beans and veg my fibre increase has shot up. 
WAY too early to make any sort of judgement on this plan and its effectiveness for me, especially seeing as it has only been too proper days on it. Stay tuned to see how the rest of the week goes!

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