Saturday, 15 January 2011

Day 15: Now THIS is a binge!!

Man I didn't think I was capable of it, but I have somehow managed to get up to 5000 calories today. Enjoyed every second and very deliberately overdid it to minimise the chance of cravings bugging me by Tuesday like they did last week.

So how did I get to the dizzy heights of more than twice my normal daily calorie intake?

Including supplements, my day was as follows:

  • Wake up
  • Week 2 measurements
  • 500ml ice water and 2.4mg of CQ
  • 30 minutes later, AGG just before a slow carb friendly breakfast:
    • Leftover pork shoulder and 2 cups of spinach leaves - 360 calories
  • Went for my bootcamp again - 7 days in a row
  • 1.6mg of CQ
  • 30 minutes later:
    • 60g oatmeal with 2 scoops of whey and semi skimmed milk - 490 calories
    • 95g of chocolate coated pretzels - 440 calories
    • 25g of chocolate florentines - 140 calories
    • 3 M&S extremely chocolatey biscuits - 180 calories
  • 1.6mg of CQ half hour before lunch
  • Lunch was:
    • AGG
    • Sainsbury's stonebaked Hawaiian pizza - 750 calories
    • 80g paneer cheese - 280 calories
    • 25g chocolate florentines - 140 calories
    • 3 M&S extremely chocolatey biscuits - 180 calories
    • 30g cheddar cheese - 120 calories
  • Somewhere in the day I also had:
    • Chocolate refrigerator cake - 480 calories
  • 1.6mg of CQ half hour before dinner
  • Dinner was:
    • AGG
    • Dr Oetker Ristorante mozzarella pizza - 880 calories
    • Tesco finest chocolate cheesecake - 440 calories
    • 50g oatmeal, 2 scoops of whey and 200ml semi skimmed milk - 480 calories
  • And I will be having PAG before bed
Total calories (if my maths is right - I am doing this in my head!): 5360!

Didn't really get a chance to add in my 40 squats/tricep extensions/other miscellaneous exercises because my day was a bit all over the place. Will make a bit more effort to work these in properly next week.

But I am way too full and over stuffed to even think about wanting anything sugary, chocolatey or probably even carb-y for a while. Cheat day has served its purpose - let me just hope the junk in my system from today doesn't find a permanent home.

Following basic and common science principles, 5360 calories isn't quite 3500 over my resting metabolic rate (especially as I was exercising) so in theory, I shouldn't put on a pound tomorrow morning, but I am confident if I get on the scales it will probably push me over my starting weight!! Goes to show, a calorie isn't always a Tim has always said. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm also nervous about my weight tomorrow morning. But, I needed a break from beans!!
