Saturday, 1 January 2011


It's all well and good setting off on a new year, new start, new eating plan....but I haven't sat down and set out my final destination yet. When you get in the car and drive, you know or at least have some idea where you're planning on going - this should be no different.

Goal setting is a hugely powerful process for motivating yourself. Achieving them gives you that buzz and feels majorly rewarding. Working towards them - well that is motivation in itself. 

Some people go for easy goals so they can be confident of reaching them. I personally like to set myself a challenge. 

On this slow carb plan I could aim to:

  • Lose 10lb of fat in 5 months or 
  • I could aim to lose 30lb of fat, gain 15lb of muscle, and 3 inches off my waist in 5 months and take 6 minutes off of my 10k run time. 
(Yeah most people would set a 6 month goal but I have a 10k run in 5 months, on 30 May 2011 to be exact so it seems a good milestone to aim for.)

I can probably do the first one pretty comfortably by the end of February, think I have achieved something great and slack off for another 3 months. Or do the second one. 22 weeks to the end of May, meaning I need to lose more than 1lb of fat a week and gain about 0.7lb of muscle. 

You see that torso in the site banner? That is my real aim, to look like that!

What is yours?


  1. I also want to look like that torso! I think writing down your goals and focusing on them every day is the most important aspect of achieving them. But I think it's also important to be specific about them, like you have been. And my specific goal is to be 8% body fat. Two years ago I went from 33% down to 14% .. now back at 28%. It can be done.

    Good post. Happy New Year

  2. Happy, healthy 2011 to you too! Thanks. I agree writing them down and having somewhere to refer to them is crucial too - which is probably one of the main things with this blog - a bit of public accountability for myself.

    8% body fat is my dream as well. I estimate I am about 23-24% now. I had a drastic weight loss of about 115lb over the last couple of years and have kept it off, but did it wrong and lost a lot more muscle mass than I should have so have stupidly large fat deposits sticking to me still!

    Well done on your previous loss. If you've done it once you can definitely do it again - especially now with the benefit of experience to help you.
