I wanted to get these thoughts down as I was thinking fresh about them. I am writing this before I get my week 2 results sorted (although posting after), so it isn't dependant on what I did in the last 7 days, but just what I think could be changed up to help me on my way.
1. Cooking in bulk
I have realised (finally!) how much easier it is to make a huge batch of things and keep them in the fridge. It would help my discipline on this plan infinitely, as I have found over the couple of days. Definitely needs to be done I think. My Sunday morning at least is going to be spent cooking.
2. Stopping the peanut butter!
This has been my major weak point - I haven't been able to control my craving for this thing. I actually think a lot of it is down to not doing my first point enough meaning lack of convenience led to lack of proactivity leading to bingeing. That is going to change! It will be exceptional days when I have it.
3. Supplements
Starting my PAGG and CQ supplementation on Saturday, cheat day and start of week 3. I hope it helps getting things really launched! Very curious about using the CQ. Will keep all posted on how it goes with these, how they make me feel and any side effects (both good and bad).
As its a cheat day my routine will be something like this:
Wake up
Weigh/measure for week 2 results
500ml ice water
CQ 30 min before breakfast
40 air squats and AGG right before breakfast
Breakfast (slow carb friendly)
Bootcamp 8.30-9.30
CQ 30 min before lunch
40 tricep extensions and AGG right before lunch
Pizza lunch
40 air squats about an hour after lunch
Might throw in a few delightful snacks
CQ 30 min before dinner
40 air squats and AGG right before dinner
Pizza dinner & cheesecake dessert
40 tricep extensions an hour after dinner
PAG before bed
Yes I am confused too. I guess when I make it habit I should be ok.....I hope...Still need to work out what on earth happens properly on a non-cheat day.
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