Sunday, 9 January 2011

Mistakes made in Week 1

First part of my week 1 review was an update on my results - things looking good on that front so far. But I do also want to set myself up for a win and eliminate the mistakes I had been making during this last week, which I think are as follows. Just remember these are my own interpretation:

1. Day 1 was a cheat day
Tim obviously talked about a one day binge, a calorific spike to boost your fat loss results.
I am pretty sure he would have meant to do this AFTER having had a solid slow carb week, not right at the outset when it was barely a spike of any sort!

2. Lack of hydration
I really don't think on any one day I drank enough water, either plain or through tea or coffee. I didn't feel dehydrated but I do think I need to up my fluid intake.

3. Mid-week slip-up
Yep, on Tuesday I ended up having a cheesy baked potato for lunch. I was working at a friend's house and that was all he had in the kitchen. Of course I could have drawn a line under that, but when I got home I ended up having a bit of a cheese binge as well. Whoops. Thankfully got right back on the wagon the following day.

4. Too much whey
I know whey is a great source of lean, low fat and low carb protein, BUT it is dairy. I was having 3-4 shakes some days to make sure I got my protein in. I think I will need to make sure I restrict my whey shakes to either as soon as I get up to get that 30gm in ASAP (like Tim's dad did) and immediately post-workout, and that's it.

5. Ground beans
I used grounded up black beans in my recipe for slow carb brownies. Only thing is someone then pointed out to me that grinding up beans increases the GI of most beans and legumes, so they're not really slow-carb friendly any more. D'oh!!

6. Too many refried beans
Went through 3 cans of the stuff in the first 3 days - I know they are high sodium which can inhibit fat loss. So need to rein it in a bit and use other kinds of beans - prefer canned uncooked beans to the dry hard ones which need to be soaked for a lifetime before they can be cooked!

7. Too much peanut butter
Tim said we are allowed some occasional peanut butter to curb hunger, but I really did push the limits. The occasional 1-2 tsp every few days of the week quickly became 4-5 tsp a day! Best get off the stuff - WHY did I buy those 2 jars of it the day before I read the book?!

8. Supplements
Not really a mistake, but I took no supplements this week. Those will be coming in next. I pick up the A of my PAGG on Monday and I am set to launch with it!

Bring on the next week, and hopefully start flying towards my goals!


  1. Hey Abhi

    Thanks for posting - great timing for me to read as I'm 19 minutes into my first day of week 1!

    Too much whey is a concern of mine too, from a dairy perspective in the slow carb protocol, but also because I generally don't like to get too much dairy in anyway. So, while I'm sipping on a whey shake RIGHT NOW(!) I am planning to mix it up 50/50 with organic hemp protein too. Tastes a bit crap, but I think it's a healthier choice.

    How much water are you drinking per day at the moment? Remember, coffee and tea (normal, black tea) are a diuretic so they actually increase dehydration, so you actually need a glass or two extra for every coffee you have. From my 'other life' I can honestly say that hydration is the #1 cause of most health issues, so I'd keep the water flowing!

    Interesting about the ground beans - I never knew that! Great to learn now though!

    Thanks again for posting - really appreciate it!

    Ross (

  2. Thanks for the comment Ross.

    I have decided I am going to stick with whey, but make sure I restrict it to just when I get up in the morning and right after intense workouts. I have tried other proteins before and I just can't stand them. I will take the hit to the speed at which I reach my goals for the sake of getting lean protein in and putting on muscle.

    I haven't really tracked it before, but I know it isn't enough. Maybe 2-3 glasses a day max. Don't drink tea or coffee - or most things containing caffeine - am a bit conscious of the cortisol release from caffeine screwing with my muscle building goals. I have a load of no-caffeine teas though.
