Saturday 22 January 2011

Week 3 review

3 weeks down.

In 2 weeks I had lost 6 pounds and around 7 inches although I thought I had done pretty badly last week - I felt a bit bloated. I don't feel bloated this week but I for some reason feel a bit sceptical about a loss in pounds or in inches. Can't explain why, call it instinct.

I have now finished the peanut butter so that won't be able to haunt me, but
I have snacked on a few too many almonds for no apparent reason. Its not even like I was hungry when I was doing that! Was a bit annoyed with myself.

I did take my PAGG stuff all week. I realised a few minutes ago that we're meant to take a 1 day break in the week. I think I should have done this today as I had been taking it for the last 6 days. I don't want to take that break on cheat day or the day after cheat day so I might take Monday and then take Friday again to get my system in order.

I did some form of physical training everyday for the last 12 days with today (Friday) being my 1st rest day. By next week I am going to settle into more of a routine. 2-3 weights sessions a week, 2-3 bootcamps and a couple of runs (which are probably more physical recreation than actual intense training for me).  I don't want to do too much and overtrain but with the right amount of rest and nutrition and with the careful guidance of a world class trainer (which I am lucky enough to have), I am going to smash my physical fitness goals in no time! Bring it on!

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